This is my ad hock submission for the Illustration Friday theme of "Theater". It's something I was working on already, and it almost fits the theme. But since I'm busy/lazy, I think it'll do.
This weekend the weather finally warmed up and the snow is all melted. So like any good Canadian my first instinct was to find a patio where I could enjoy the sunshine and sip a beverage.
I was also inspired to do this image for the Illustration Friday weekly topic of "Fleeting" as I know how quickly it'll be winter again, so ya gotta enjoy it while you can.
Here's my entry for the Illustration Friday topic of "Poise". I did it in bookmark format, so if you like click on the image, print it out (card stock would probably work well), and you've got yourself a handy dandy new bookmark!
Hi there! I work full time as a freelance children's illustrator. My work has appeared in over 100 client projects including magazines, educational books, mobile apps, and more. I live in Ontario, Canada, where you're likely to find me testing out the local slides with my wife and daughter. I'm also a ninja.